[ prog / sol / mona ]


How can I run my own instance of this

267 2020-06-01 11:35

Thanks to whoever linked >>263 in the ticket.



What is a pythonista?

your code is incomprehensible

Input: raw byte array
Output: unicode characters
1. ([\x80-\xff])((\\[0-7]{3})+)
Scan the input and identify locations where a byte over 0x80 is followed by one or more groups of "\DDD" where the Ds are octal digits.
2. Pass everything else through.
3. For each location, emit that first byte over 0x80, then loop over the "\DDD" groups.
4. For each group dump the backslash, take DDD to be an ascii string of three characters, parse that string as an integer in base 8, emit that integer as a byte.
5. After each location has been procesed decode the resulting byte array as utf-8.



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