[ prog / sol / mona ]


How can I run my own instance of this

26 2020-02-17 06:00 *

This feature was intended to avoid any use of cookies and is actually a hack done in nginx.conf

Here's the relevant part.

        #replace css and add query string to all internal links
        subs_filter_bypass $bypass;
        subs_filter '<LINK href="/static/styles/(.*?).css"' '<LINK href="/static/styles/$arg_css.css"' or;
        subs_filter '<A href="((?!http).*?)(#.*?)?"' '<A href="$1$is_args$args$2"' gr;
        subs_filter '<FORM action="(.*?post)"' '<FORM action="$1$is_args$args"' gr;


do not edit these