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How can I run my own instance of this

215 2020-05-28 06:45

Not on purpose. I synced with the running version of textboard.org just to be sure that everything works well for others, the same it does for me.

Do you mind if I use your example nginx.conf (which doesn't seem to be licensed) in a new Dockerfile that extends the previous one (a common practice)?

No, not at all. I've shared a big chunk here and you can use it. I doesn't have to be licensed, it's just a sample conf. If you add ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module to Nginx then anyone can easily run the full featured SchemeBBS. In the future, the CSS switcher should be rewritten in Scheme code anyway. And thank you for this Docker image, it will make everything smoother for anyone who just wants to try it.

I have some good news too. I got MIT Scheme 10.1 runnning and SchemeBBS compiles and runs with very minimal changes. The embedded web server is broken though. I have the feeling it has something to do with full Unicode support, a feat I was longing for. I made new patches and I'll try to have then integrated in future releases of MIT/GNU Scheme (those libs are really faulty). I still have empty responses from the server at the moment.



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