[ prog / sol / mona ]


How can I run my own instance of this

155 2020-04-12 10:24


The size displayed on gitlab wasn't updated but it's really 234.34 KiB.

Thanks. Cloned successfully. I'll point out that the patch instructions from README.md are outdated. The first cd is now incompatible with -p0, and the redirect into patch has moved on to greener pastures.

and CPU usage was never a concern
hosting for Lisp Internet services

I'm not into accounts or services, I asked about CPU quotas because I was more interested in whether you would give out some CPU time for performing computations at lowest priority / highest niceness, with the results posted somewhere around here once they're available.

Those poor fellows were kicked from Rizon and everywhere else

What does it take for people to actually manage to get themselves banned from a place like rizon?



do not edit these