[ prog / sol / mona ]


How can I run my own instance of this

142 2020-04-11 01:54 *

There are two modules used:

The first one is used for the ``css toggle without cookies'' hack and the second is just to make nice directory listings.

I think some variables were missing in the post where I explained the css switching, so here's the part that takes care of adding the query strings to all links:

    server {

        if ( $query_string = "" )
            set $bypass "1";
        #replace css and add query string to all internal links
        subs_filter_bypass $bypass;
        subs_filter '<LINK href="/static/styles/(.*?).css"' '<LINK href="/static/styles/$arg_css.css"' or;
        subs_filter '<A href="((?!http).*?)(#.*?)?"' '<A href="$1$is_args$args$2"' gr;
        subs_filter '<FORM action="(.*?post)"' '<FORM action="$1$is_args$args"' gr;

I call it a hack because in a perfect world, elements of your app should be loosely coupled and SchemeBBS would handle this, not Nginx. But sometimes you have to chose the way of the ninja especially for nice but non vital features.

cont. (I hit the post length limit. I got a new server today with decent specs so the site will be migrated and the post limit raised)



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