[ prog / sol / mona ]


F# on Linux and FreeBSD

18 2022-02-03 21:13

Way back a long time ago, Thompson and Ritchie were sitting opposite one another at the commissary, sipping coffees and discussing their evolving behemoth.
“This behemoth of ours,” said Ken, “is becoming rather popular, wouldn't you say?” “Yes,” said Dennis. “Every time I want to do a compilation, I have to wait for hours and hours. It's infuriating.” They both agreed that the load on their system was too great. Both sighed, picked up their mugs, and went back to the workbench. Little did they know that an upper-management type was sitting just within earshot of their conversation.
“We are AT&T Bell Laboratories, aren't we?” the upper-management type thought to himself. “Well, what is our organization best known for?” The brill-cream in his hair glistened. “Screwing people out of lots of money, of course! If there were some way that we could keep tabs on users and charge them through the nose for their CPU time...”
The accounting utilities were born.




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