[ prog / sol / mona ]


how much do i need to pay

1 2022-01-03 12:29

for someone to train me from zero to master(and get a job) in:
a. 3d printing, design, modelings, animations
b. cloud computing/engineering/devops
c. game and general programming, make one whole software from scratch
and how long does it take

2 2022-01-03 12:29

(and get paid yearly... for a year, life idk)

3 2022-01-03 15:49

It takes around 5 years to get a masters from scratch. You will need a separate one for the artsy stuff and the computer things, so at least 10 years I'd say. In some European countries you can learn for almost free, although I'm not sure about multiple degrees.

4 2022-01-03 15:56

>>3 ok where can i have the whole study for all those?

5 2022-01-03 21:57

How much do I have to pay you to stop posting here?

6 2022-01-03 22:59 *

I doubt money is what he's after. Everything he posts seems to be begging for a father to beat him in one way or another; this one far more explicitly than most. Unfortunately, he can't pay for a father just as we can't pay to make him stop searching for one.

7 2022-01-04 02:05

>>5 enough to set me for a job in those fields, obviously. for life maybe.

>>6 sorry i dont spik ESL... could you maybe learn real english but not for immigrants.

8 2022-01-04 07:06

Look up universities in your area.

9 2022-01-04 07:46

>>8 so im like what, master of science and that's all of it?

10 2022-01-04 09:37

goddamn you disgusting monkeys. you never have anything to give. your god thinks he freed you all from slavery and now, he practically swallows you and now you come to for what? some sort of winning?? he's not letting you off.

i wanna smash your head with a gas tank, show you how worthless you are. honestly fuck you, you chimp.

go on, show me how poor you are. how much more you think your god is gonna give you thru me? basically nothing, you country of slaves. he s robbing you and that is correct. and you never have anything worthwhile to give to that psycho, so now, you are gonna give your freedom, and everysingle thing, even the universe.

watch it swallow you again, afterall
there s no end to his desire now
maybe if you are lucky, he ll tell you to not burn the child but as of now, you dont seem like you have any other choice either. worthless poor hungry slaves of the monarch.

11 2022-01-04 16:36 *

Just go to a school already. It is pretty clear that you need a teacher to guide you through it. We can't help you.

12 2022-01-08 09:45

>>11 even with a teacher one needs to do their own self study. i had a private tutor but even with a dedicated time i still couldnt catch up and i just dont have the interest nor understanding to go the extra length. even now, at the gaping maw of poverty and failure, i could say i am still not catching up.

13 2022-01-08 14:29

You have money to pay.

The only things I had were: 1 cheap, used, DIY PC, 2 books of programming and 0 people to help me. And no, the word "internet" was unknown to me. Yet, I've learnt how to make shmup games.

14 2022-01-08 18:04

>>10 scary

15 2022-01-08 18:06

>>13 bullet hell by any chance?

16 2022-01-08 18:28

ZUN posts on SchemeBBS??

17 2022-01-09 10:13 *

Being drunk does a thing.

18 2022-01-09 21:42

I once programmed being drunk. That was an awful experience.



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