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Can amateurs meaningfully contribute to Computer Science?

1 2022-01-01 18:05

I mean the "sciency" part of Computer Science, or the part that at least aspires to be a science. Are there open problems that people outside academia can meaningfully contribute to?

2 2022-01-01 19:21

If founding is considered an open problem, hell yeah

3 2022-01-02 14:56

Absolutely. Whether your research has been conducted in an academia setting or not doesn't influence its validity.

4 2022-01-03 12:23

Of course. If you can formally prove your idea that nobody else has done before, you can tell the world about it and that would be your contribution.

5 2022-01-04 00:14

I am sure there are plenty of open problems that are at the level of someone with undergrad knowledge to explore, simply because there hasn't been anyone tl tackle them yet. CS is a young field.

6 2022-01-11 17:58

So what kind of research needs to be done on computer science? Come on everyone, let's get SchemeBBS into those CS textbooks!

7 2022-01-12 01:54

SchemeBBS should be made the foundation of computer science, and also the foundation of civilization. A thorough understanding of SchemeBBS is a symbol of a learned person. No learned person would be taken seriously without having thoroughly understood, analyzed, memorized, and published scholarly papers about the source code of SchemeBBS. The source code will be revered by all levels of society, with parents encouraging their children to get a head start in life by memorizing the source code of SchemeBBS. Wealthy donors will endow SchemeBBS departments at the major research institutions. The study of SchemeBBS will gradually become multidisciplinary, as historians and psychologists start to study SchemeBBS in more detail. Astrologers and numerologists will discover mystical patterns in the SchemeBBS source code that they believe could divine the future. Monastic "recitation academies" will spring up all over the world, where the source code of SchemeBBS is chanted daily to aid in memorization. Members of these "recitation academies" hope to reach full enlightenment through a deep understanding of SchemeBBS. Scheme will become a liturgical language.

8 2022-01-16 01:14

>>7 Just s/SchemeBBS/SICP and I think we can all agree this would be desirable

9 2022-01-16 05:32

Scheme will become a liturgical language, and world peace will follow.



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