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A learning thread: 3d designing, 3d printing, cloud engineering, game/app dev

1 2021-12-08 07:28

Basically trying to learn a ton of stuff that people says makes alot more money, and looks hard and techy... what do i need to know? especially making the minimum wage standard AKA getting jobs?
I learnt 3d designs abit but i dont know how to build a good portofolio;
i know gcode and 3d printing firmware but i also dont have a good portofolio;
i am trying to understand cloud engineering but i cant remember anything but
lastly i read about graphic engineering in game/app dev but now i dont know anything about how it establishes networks and server.... also i dont have a good portofolio.

Please chip in if you have the extra time and resource, any input is appreciated

2 2021-12-08 21:57 *

Learn some proper English grammar first.

3 2021-12-09 00:43 *

Owner-operator truckers make on average 200,000 USD a year. Managers of fast-food restaurants make on average 45,000 USD a year, which is well above the US median of 36,000 USD.

4 2021-12-09 00:51 *

Welders are another good one, standard is 45,000 USD a year, and if you're an underwater welder that goes up to 55,000 USD average.

5 2021-12-09 04:44

>>3 >>4 i dont have license or knowledge for any of those shit. designs are the most immediate stuff since i know the tools and had studied for it but no luck getting jobs..



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