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Looking for CS/programming book recommendations

1 2021-11-14 18:41

I recently came across Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Very impressed. I'm looking for other worthwhile books to read.

There are a lot of articles with lists, but many of them appear diluted with sponsorships. Any book recommendations?

I have a background in js & py, but I aspire to become a wizard.

2 2021-11-14 19:12

I write a book review monthly, with most of my selection concerning programming. Since this could be considered shilling my work, I'll provide a link only if I be asked.

3 2021-11-14 19:49

Do you have any topics in mind?

4 2021-11-14 21:21 *

Link it. I'm curious.

5 2021-11-14 21:51

Here's my website; all of this is also available over Gopher: http://verisimilitudes.net
Follows are some of the better articles:

6 2021-11-15 04:04


I aspire to become a wizard.

What kind of wizard? I hope you're not aiming to become a pseudo-scientist like the two men on the cover of SICP.

7 2021-11-15 19:39 *

Lower-level CS concepts: algorithms, data structures, etc, and their applications. Lower-level languages that can be compiled, e.x. the C-family, Lisp-family. Maybe also historical languages, machine code, and assembly. Programming techniques: refactoring, planning, testing, etc. Linux. Maybe also the internet protocol and its layers.

Interesting. I'll have to skim through.

Mastering every layer of abstraction to master the machine. The languages I've been exposed to have such a high level of abstraction that I think I've missed understanding some underlying CS concepts and techniques. It's a real challenge to migrate from Python to lower level languages since you are used to having almost everything managed for you at the cost of fine-grained control.

8 2021-11-15 21:30

If you are interested in "migrating" and know some SML or OCaml, you can give the book Functional C a try. It is about porting high-level, functional programs into C. It's a really fascinating book.

9 2021-11-16 01:36

Are you referring to https://research.utwente.nl/en/publications/functional-c ?

10 2021-11-16 07:38

Yes, that's the one.

11 2021-11-16 10:24

Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective by Randal Bryant and David O'Hallaron.



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