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Static Typing

19 2022-08-10 08:43

I think a lot about this (and I'm new - is it comfy here?)
With apologies for ignoring whatever OP was writing about, a while
ago someone published an article about their port of ACL2 guards
to common lisp and I assume it's pretty much that.
Now I perceive three problems. The first is that the distinction
between #'compile and #'compile-file is very important already,
and it seems like the type people pretty much are noticing that
#'compile-file is important and forgetting that it's not always
what you're doing.
At least the ACL2 guards but for common lisp approach also uses
a tool that was not made with CLOS in mind-
Or the MOP, which is the third problem.
My conclusion is that this ouevre of deviations from the standard
probably have a place in specific contexts but they are not
improvements to the standard as such.




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