The code is already inside a dl > dd > pre > code chain.
The original standard didn't have DIV or TABLE so I was thinking that maybe he was using DD/DL for CSS styles. I can't actually see the CSS because I use W3M, but when I opened it in netsurf I didn't see any reason why they would be necessary. I'll try to make a pull request tomorrow.
Some graphics stuff with spirals from text stamps using cairo. I'll post a simplified version on a board with images, probably lainchan.
Neat! Would you happen to be the lain that frequently posts this type of thing such as in the challenge thread? I honestly don't know anything about graphics programming, but I lurk /lambda/ so I'll take a look if I see it in a thread.
I ended up working on my radix library some more, I figured I'm so close to done that I might as well finish it. Some bug fixes, and code clean up but I also got slice, delete, and insert working: