[ prog / sol / mona ]


What are you working on?

145 2020-07-15 11:38

I am already following your advice. This is indeed the summary, far from containing every thought. It has the failing test case, the explanation and the fix. "Your every thought" would evidently also contain failed investigation paths that did not lead to the fix, but those have been omitted here. If you have some specific examples of "your every thought" that could be reasonably removed without detracting from the failing test case, the explanation or the fix, do not hesitate to point them out so that I can improve my future posts. I am fully aware that it is unusual to see programming posted on a programming board, but if you wish to avoid such content the majority of the threads on this board are available to you, since they lack it. You may also find technology boards rather than programming boards to be more to your taste, should you be inclined to give them a try.



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