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Dijkstra's Predicate Transfomer Semantics

15 2021-10-24 00:20

The definitions:

[wlp(S, R)](w) = \forall x \in S(w) : x = abort or R(x)
[wp(S, R)](w) = \forall x \in S(w) : x != abort and R(x)

The negation of the definitions:

non [wlp(S, R)](w)
= non [\forall x \in S(w) : x = abort or R(x)]
= \exists x \in S(w) : x != abort and non R(x)
non [wp(S, R)](w)
= non [\forall x \in S(w) : x != abort and R(x)]
= \exists x \in S(w) : x = abort or non R(X)

The compound aspects of the state space of wlp:

ab. [wp(S, T) and non wlp(S, R) and non wlp(S, non R)](w)
= (\forall x \in S(w) : x != abort) and (\exists x \in S(w) : x != abort and non R(x)) and (\exists x \in S(w) : x != abort and R(x))
initial state determines proper termination but whether the final state satisfies R or non R is not determined.
ac. [wlp(S, R) and non wp(S, T)](w)
= (\forall x \in S(w) : x = abort or R(x)) and (\exists x \in S(w) : x = abort)
initial state does not determine proper termination, but if it terminates properly its final state satisfies R.
bc. [wlp(S, non R) and non wp(S, T)](w)
= (\forall x \in S(w) : x = abort or non R(x)) and (\exists x \in S(w) : x = abort)
initial state does not determine proper termination, but if it terminates properly its final state satisfies non R.
abc. [non (wlp(S, R) or wlp(S, non R), or wp(S, T))](w)
= non wlp(S, R) and non wlp(S, non R) and non wp(S, T)
= (\exists x \in S(w) : x != abort and non R(x)) and (\exists x \in S(w) : x != abort and R(x)) and (\exists x \in S(w) : x = abort)
initial state does not determine proper termination or in the case of proper termination if the final state will satisfy R or non R.

This is much better! My last question for now would then be why do we not need to show (\exists x \in S(w) : x != abort) in the ac. and bc. cases?



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