When will ANSI Common Lisp get an update? It's been 27 years since the publication of the ANSI Common Lisp standard.
Literally never.
Falling for standard cartels.
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Didn't we have this exact thread like a month ago?
As far as I know, the standard is frozen on purpose. And what would a new version of the Common Lisp standard change/add? I think networking, multi-threading and ASDF should be added to the standard. But these things don't require a new standard (libraries/implementations already provide these).
Perhaps you would be interested in another lisp entirely, like Racket, newLisp, Picolisp or (when it is released) R7RS-large?
But these things don't require a new standard (libraries/implementations already provide these)
Isn't this exactly how new features get added to the standard?
I meant that you don't need a new standard to get new features. Also, languages either have 1 implementation that also serves as the de facto standard (like Python) or they have a committee that decides the standard that every implementation must implement (like Common Lisp and C/C++).
However how was those languages proggled thoughever if it wasnecessary to have a language to prog those prugrams nennyway?
languages either have 1 implementation that also serves as the de facto standard or they have a committee that decides the standard that every implementation must implement
Some languages have both. For example, Haskell (GHC).