I have read several books about C, and I now want to learn how to do UNIX programming. Things like processes, IPC, sockets, networking, etc. What book should I read?
the linux programming interface
Lunix is not UNIX.
Is that book more suitable for beginners than the ones below?
* Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by W. Richard Stevens and Stephen A. Rago
* Linux System Programming by Robert Love
The book covers unix as well, or, the two are similar.
Idk, I've read none, but 've always been interested in the one I recommended.
the linux programming interface
That book is 1500+ pages with 60+ chapters. The author says that people new to Linux systems programming should read the book linearly. How long would it take to finish such a large book?
Aren't we all autistic NEETs here?
In the words of n-gate-chan there are bussinesses and webshits here.