my take:
Just the ducking drudgery of working the terminal switching in and out of vi modes, :wq then the up arrows to find your compile line and then again executing, maybe even tmux on top with multiple spliced windows.
implying vim doesn't have a :make command which would make all that faggotry irrelevant.
The OP mentioned vi, not vim. There is no :make in traditional vi and nvi.
:wq then the up arrows to find your compile line and then again executing
What vi implementation are you using? You should probably switch to Vim.
I want to write my own editor but I lack the skills and motivation.
Perhaps you could modify the kilo text editor to suit your needs.
Wow that's pretty slick. It makes the busybox vi applet look both featureless and bloated.
I'll probably read through it and take "inspiration." I still want to make my own.
Same as this but for programmers: