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SICP yuri fanfics

58 2023-01-05 22:47

Their first kiss is in pouring summer rain, drenching them through their clothes, making them shiver from chill as well as excitement as they run for a nearby tree, book-bags bouncing as they go, slipping on wet grass, holding each other up, hand in hand.

It’s been coming all year, glances over books in the library, blushing as each has accidentally brushed against the other when they’ve passed in the halls, knees coming together under tables during shared assignments in Algorithms and Data Structures, all little things leading to this, even when they were first-years and just starting on SICP. Now they’re here, under this tree, looking at each other with longing, panting a little from running, each wishing this is it, that this is the moment it happens, the day, the hour, the minute, the second between breaths until their lips finally meet. Eva has raindrops in her lashes, shining like gems, making her prettier than ever, she looks a picture of Snow White with her ivory skin, ruby-red lips and raven hair, not that Alyssa minds, she’s not vain. Alyssa's hair is bushy from the damp and she doesn’t look close to a fairy-tale princess like Eva does, Eva still sinks her fingers into it as she pushes her against the bark at her back, is leaning close, breath close, kissing close. ‘Please,’ Alyssa gasps, touching her hand on Eva’s cheek, her dark skin a contrast to hers. ‘Alyssa…’ Eva says. They close the distance together.

Eva’s lips on Alyssa’s lips are soft, her body pressing perfect and soft against Alyssa’s own, and she sighs into the kiss, the warmth of it enough in the damp chill, which she finds herself caring for very little now that there are Eva’s fingers in her hair and on her waist and Eva’s lips on hers in their first kiss, eager and exploring.

Rain makes the rest of the world disappear and there are just them, just them and their touch and their words the falling raindrops drow. The tree they've taken shelter under isn't living up to its name in the early-summer pour, yet they giggle with abandon when not kissing, hands touching faces and settling on hips, lips searching each other's for another kiss and another and another, they can’t seem to stop now they’ve started, nor do they want to, giddy with it.

Eventually and still all too soon the rain stops and they have to leave, now shivering in earnest in their wet clothes as even the heat of their kisses couldn’t warm them up. They walk hand in hand up to the dorms, drenched throughout, lips kissed red, destined to spend days in bed with a spring-cold by the end of the day. But neither can care, not in that moment, not in that precious bit of time when all there is and can be is their joined hands and the words they have shared and the understanding that they have started something wonderful, that they are a couple now.

** first kiss credit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18605917



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