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SICP yuri fanfics

57 2022-12-16 13:15

Eva can’t look more beautiful than this.

Alyssa tells herself this at least daily, she thinks, but somehow she gets proven wrong every single time again. She ought to realise she’ll never get it right at this rate.

Eva’s sitting on their sofa, curled up in a hand-knitted blanket of the softest wool Alyssa could find for her, a steaming cup of tea clasped tightly in both her hands. Alyssa’s proven wrong time and time again, but here she is thinking those same words once more. Eva can’t look more beautiful than she does right now.

“What are you looking at?” Alyssa’s asked with a teasing grin that tells her the Computer Science professor knows exactly what she’s looking at, but she chuckles regardless. Eva could say anything at all to her, and she’d be charmed.

“Just the most beautiful woman I’ve laid my eyes on in my life.”

“And here I thought you spent half your time looking in a mirror.”

It takes Alyssa a moment to understand Eva’s meaning (it’s early, after all), but when she does she snorts — actually snorts. “Could you be more cheesy, darling?”

“No, not really.”

“How do I put up with you?”

But Alyssa’s smiling, radiantly so, and sits down on the sofa next to her adorable wife. How ever did she end up so lucky as to have her?

There’s no ‘putting up’ with Eva, only the bliss that comes with waking up next to her and being able to watch her get ready for the day. There’s revelling in having her lipstick — always just as she’s put it on because it seems timing is something Eva doesn’t have — ruined by goodbye turned “I can be late for one day” kisses.

Alyssa must’ve been staring because she’s being laughed at now and she’s proven wrong already. Eva looks even more beautiful with cheeks red from laughter.

She kisses Eva then, carefully not to disturb the mug in her hands, for just a brief moment. A peck on her lips, then a peck on her nose and both her cheeks until Eva’s smiling so brightly Alyssa can’t help but laugh — delighted, how the other woman has that power over her.

“Good morning, my love.” Alyssa whispers.

“Good morning.”

How ever she got so lucky as to wake up each morning with Eva she will never quite understand, but Alyssa is oh so terrifically grateful for it. Grateful to be entering her living room to find her gorgeous wife on their shared sofa, sipping tea from a mug Alyssa had gotten her for her birthday last year.

Grateful to be handed part of the blanket with no question when Eva lowers her mug and snuggles up to her with an easy smile on her face. Alyssa takes the mug from her, taking a sip or two herself with her eyes closed before she puts it down on the low table. She looks down at Eva, who's resting her head against her shoulders. Comfortable, warm, and safe. Heaven on earth, if you’d ask her.

Outside it’s snowing, christmas is approaching and it’ll be a whirlwind of visiting friends and family and trying to combine it all with no awkwardness or fights over the dinner table. Maybe she’ll put a piece of mistletoe above the front door as well, she’ll see.

Alyssa kisses the top of Eva’s head with a radiant smile, wrapping her arms around her. She’ll see. There’s all the time in the world, she’s got this mesmerizing woman at her side and truthfully, what else matters?

They’ve got little else planned today and Alyssa’s grateful for that too. An entire day of just Eva — doesn’t that just sound like an ideal world?

She’s staring again, it seems. Eva raises her eyebrows at her with that gentle chuckle of hers. “What’s on your mind, Alyssa?”

“Nothing in particular, dear.” Alyssa tells her with another peck to her lips, resting her forehead against Eva’s. Would she be too repetitive to correct herself once more and state that this is the most beautiful she’s ever seen her? “I just love you, that’s all.”

Eva looks up at her with those enchanting deep brown eyes and her lips curled into a knowing yet flattered smile. Alyssa’s next kiss lingers longer, after she’s been told the words “I love you too, angel.”


snuggle credit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21091616



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