[ prog / sol / mona ]


SICP yuri fanfics

55 2022-12-03 15:08

Alyssa walked into the kitchen, hair tousled and eyes still clouded with a bit of sleep. It was Eva’s first day as Professor of Computer Science so Alyssa had gotten up even earlier than her mildly workaholic wife was wont to do so that she could make her favorite breakfast. The bacon was the perfect sort of crispy, the pancakes were fluffy, the juice freshly squeezed and the coffee was piping hot, swirled with just the right amount of sweet cream. Alyssa placed everything under a lid and went outside to the garden to retrieve a few of her wife’s favorite flowers to add to the breakfast tray she had put together.

Back inside, she trimmed the fragrant lilies and put them in a cut crystal vase and added it to the tray. The finishing touches were a small dish of butter and a little pitcher of maple syrup. With a satisfied smile, she picked up the tray and headed upstairs to wake her lovely wife. She nudged open the door, looking in to see that Eva was still fast asleep and curled up with Alyssa's pillow. Alyssa set the tray down on the bedside table and sat down on the bed next to her yet unconscious wife. “Eva, it's time to wake up, my darling.”

A groan emerged from the nest of blankets, “Five more minutes, Alyssa, just five more minutes, please!”

Alyssa chuckled, “I could do that, my love, but I’m sure there's a law somewhere on the books that would get me in trouble for eating the Professor's breakfast.”

A head of unruly light brown curls popped up over the blankets at the mention of food. “If there isn’t then there should be. Stealing pancakes is an absolutely criminal offense.”

The last bit was said through a mouthful of pancakes which only made Alyssa grin and roll her eyes. “Go ahead and eat, my love, I’ll get your things laid out so you can just hop in the shower and get ready.”

Eva set down her coffee and pulled Alyssa into a sweet kiss, “You take such good care of me. You always have and I love that about you. That and everything else. You are the best part of my life, Alyssa.”

Alyssa looked at her wife with tears of happiness shimmering in her eyes, “I feel exactly the same way, my love. That being said, you should get a move on, Madam Professor. It wouldn’t do for you to be late on your first day.”

Eva’s eyes widened in alarm and she threw the blankets off and raced into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, Eva emerged clean and dressed in a smart royal blue skirt with a sharp white blouse. She grabbed her monogrammed leather briefcase off the chair next to the bathroom door and turned to face Alyssa. “Well, how do I look, love?”

Alyssa ran her eyes down the length of her body, taking in her perfectly coiffed hair, her light but precise make-up and the way that her blouse clung to her body in just the right way. “Perfect, Madam Professor, absolutely perfect.” She stood and kissed her wife on the cheek, “I’ll walk you to the door, darling.”

Eva smiled and took her wife’s hand and the pair left the room. After seeing Eva off, with extra kisses, a small smile played across Alyssa’s lips as she walked back to start her own day. She really did have the best wife and the best life.


breakfast in bed credit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21625468



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