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SICP yuri fanfics

48 2022-09-25 22:44

“Come on, Eva, it’ll be fun,” Alyssa said, bouncing on her heels as she stared out the large window of their flat. She wore an excited grin as she watched the snow fall slowly from the sky.

“But it’s cold,” Eva protested from her spot on the sofa. She was wrapped in a warm blanket, her research journal in her lap as she scribbled notes from the latest research.

“We’ll wear plenty of layers, you can wear that nice jumper from Ben’s mom!” Alyssa said matter-of-factly. She looked to Eva, a pleading gaze on her face.

“I need to get these notes down before my meeting tomorrow,” Eva countered. “I’m sorry, Alyssa.”

“Pleaseee,” her wife begged. “Just a few minutes in the snow, and then we’ll come back in and you can get right to work! I’ll even warm up some cocoa for when we come back inside.”

“Alyssa,” Eva whined, though she knew it was pointless. Once Alyssa made up her mind, it was difficult for her to change it.

“Just look at how lovely it looks,” Alyssa looked back out the window. “It’s so mesmerizing.” She sighed happily. “I could watch it snow all day long.”

“It is going to snow all day long, didn’t you see the forecast?” Eva asked, giggling slightly. She stood up, sighing as she unwrapped herself from the blanket. “Come on, then.”

“Really?” Alyssa turned, excitement in her eyes. “I’ll grab our Bitdiddle jumpers!” She dashed towards the bedroom, returning with a handful of warm clothes. “Bundle up!”

Eva and Alyssa both dressed warmly. When they were both ready, Eva turned to Alyssa. “After you!”

Alyssa didn’t need to be told twice. She ran past Eva and out the door, thundering down the two flights of stairs and down into the street. She paused on the sidewalk, looking up at the sky.

Eva watched her, love in her eyes as she took in the view. Alyssa’s innocence drew her in time and time again. She loved the way that Alyssa could look at anything in the world with a fresh set of eyes. It was something that Eva struggled with, but that Alyssa tried to help her learn to do.

“Come dance with me,” Alyssa said, turning to look at Eva, who had taken a seat on the steps of the old building.

“We’ll look silly,” Eva protested.

“We are silly,” Alyssa countered.

Eva knew that she had no argument to that. Standing, she moved towards Alyssa, giggling as the blonde took her into her arms, pulled her close and kissed her.

Together, they danced in the falling snow, uncaring of the world around them.


snow credit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13185261



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