[ prog / sol / mona ]


SICP yuri fanfics

47 2022-09-15 13:57

The light of day forced its way under Alyssa’s eyelids, and internally she groaned. She started to sit up, but something restrained her chest. Immediately on alert, Alyssa forced open her eyes, looked down, and saw… an arm? A sense of awareness broke over her as her mind woke up. Still groggy, Alyssa turned to see whose arm it was, and a deep flush crept across her cheeks.

Eva was beautiful in sleep. Hair everywhere, mouth slightly open. Even in sleep her lips were curled into a tiny smile.

The blush deepened as she realized that one of her legs was tangled in Eva’s.

"Oh my god, this is happening." Alyssa tried to remember what had gotten her in this situation. She remembered coming into Eva’s dorm room and studying with her, and then both of them getting tired. She also had a vague memory of Eva laying her head in Alyssa’s lap while studying, which made the awake girl’s heart begin an erratic dance.

Eva gave a little half-snore, half-snort, before rolling over towards Alyssa. She was so close that the raven-haired girl could feel her warm breath. The latina snort-snored again, and Alyssa’s rising panic melted into fondness. Feeling ridiculously self-conscious, she brushed a lock of hair behind Eva’s ear.

The sleeping girl’s eyelids flickered, and Alyssa retracted her hand in haste. Eva murmured something incomprehensible, eyes opening a crack.

Heart on the verge of beating out of her chest, Alyssa smiled softly at the half-awake girl. Eva smiled back, and sleepily tucked herself into Alyssa’s side. Alyssa instinctively wrapped an arm around her, the adrenaline that came from the panic of being in such close proximity to her wearing off. She let out a yawn, and fell back into sleep, warm and safe.


Eva woke about an hour later. Sun filled the dorm room, and she opened her eyes.

The last thing she expected to see was Alyssa’s arm around her and her face directly in front of her own. She gasped a bit, and as her stomach fluttered, her smile began to grow.

Eva closed the distance and pressed a sweet kiss to Alyssa’s forehead. She didn’t stir, and gently Eva untangled herself and climbed out of bed. Stepping into her bunny slippers and putting her hair in a messy top-knot, Eva left for the kitchen. On her way out, she paused to admire the still-sleeping form from the doorframe.


When Alyssa came crawling out of bed an hour later, Eva had breakfast and coffee ready for them. As she handed the drowsy girl her plate, Eva leaned down to say “good morning” and peck her cheek. A pink blush coated Alyssa’s cheeks as she smiled into her coffee. A shared look between them assured Alyssa that the kiss, though a common form of friendly affection for Eva, meant more than it had ever before.


sleepy credit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24241210



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