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SICP yuri fanfics

46 2022-09-01 10:01

Alyssa carefully strung the daisy stems together. She squinted, holding the link up to Eva’s face. Deeming it long enough, she secured the ends and placed it on Eva’s head.

Eva looked up, curious. The blonde pointed to the crown on her own head. “Now we match!”

The former beamed, her dark skin lighting up like the sun. Alyssa thought about how lovely she looked, lying on a blanket in the grass, surrounded by white daisies, fallen ruby leaves, and beautiful, fall trees. Her new crown made her look like a princess. Alyssa knew Eva would rather be a Mistress of Science than a princess though, rather earn her position than be born into it. But that didn’t stop Alyssa from thinking the thought.

Alyssa leaned down to peck the newly crowned’s nose, before continuing to pick the flowers. When she had a good handful, Alyssa sat down beside Eva. Humming mindlessly, she swept the dark, puffy hair over to one shoulder and began to braid. Frequently she’d stop to add a flower.

“What are you doing?” Eva’s voice was fond as she attempted to turn her head, but Alyssa guided her to face forward again.

“I’m braiding flowers into your hair.” She responded brightly.

Eva smiled as she turned around to look at the other girl. “You’re adorable.”

Alyssa blushed, and leaned forward to brush a kiss on Eva’s forehead. The girl lifted her hand to the back of Alyssa’s head, and kissed her sweetly. Alyssa thought she tasted of sunshine and scarves, storytime and fall. A bright orange leaf fell in her hair. Alyssa leaned back, and reached to pick the leaf out of Eva’s hair.

“Don’t want to make a nest for the computer spirits.” Alyssa cautioned, picking another leaf out of her hair.

Eva smothered a grin as she lifted a leaf out of the other girl’s hair. Alyssa could see that her little sayings no longer irked the girl, in fact, they seemed to endear her. Alyssa was almost certain Eva still didn’t believe they existed, but she was used to her beliefs not being taken seriously. Eva respected her ideas and thoughts, and that was what mattered most.

“Can you please turn around so I can finish?”

Eva obeyed, and Alyssa tied off the braids with a stem. Alyssa admired her handiwork, and the girl whose hair she had braided.

“You’re beautiful.” Alyssa said, voice lilting and soft, like a petal upon the air. Eva’s smile warmed her whole face, and she adjusted Alyssa’s crown.

“So are you.” She replied, matter-of-fact. Like this was something known to all and unquestionable. Alyssa’s heart swelled, and she returned to the daisies, after another kiss.


daisy credit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24241024



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