[ prog / sol / mona ]


SICP yuri fanfics

41 2022-08-09 00:03

“Come on, Alyssa,” Eva groaned. “Haven’t we studied enough?”

Alyssa looked horrified. “Absolutely not! Finals are less than a month away— that’s our entire future on the line!”

Eva refrained from rolling her eyes. “I think our CS Olympiad medals from last year are more impressive than our final scores could possibly be.”

Alyssa raised an eyebrow at her, unimpressed.

Eva turned back to her books. She really did try to pay attention, but it was hard to care about SICP homework when her girlfriend was sitting right across the table from her.

“I’ve got an idea,” Eva said.

Alyssa sighed, but she set her pen down.

“You don’t even have to stop studying,” Eva said. “In fact, I think you should continue.”

“Alright,” Alyssa said, but she still looked suspicious.

Eva glanced around. The library wasn’t particularly crowded— it was a sunny afternoon, and only people who were getting a head start on studying for finals were staying inside. Besides that, she and Alyssa were in a corner, with bookcases nearly blocking them from view.

Eva sunk under the table and onto her knees. She pushed Alyssa’s legs apart and rucked up her skirt, pressing a kiss to her inner thigh.

“Eva,” Alyssa hissed.

“If you aren’t careful, someone’s going to notice,” Eva teased.

The skritch-skritch of Alyssa’s pen started up again, and Eva ran a hand down Alyssa’s smooth calf and over her ankle. She pressed kisses to the inside of Alyssa’s thigh, moving closer and closer to Alyssa’s cunt.

She kissed the soft skin at the junction where Alyssa’s long, slim leg met her body, and felt Alyssa shudder underneath her.

Eva ran her fingers across Alyssa’s cunt, still covered by her bright pink underwear. Eva was known as the frivolous one, but Alyssa liked pretty things just as much as she did.

Eva pulled Alyssa’s underwear down, letting it tangle around Alyssa’s knees. She ran a finger around the edges of Alyssa’s cunt, brushing her thumb lightly over Alyssa’s clit.

Above her, Alyssa sucked in a sharp breath.

Eva repeated the motion, then circled around Alyssa’s clit with her tongue. She darted her tongue inside of Alyssa, relishing in her taste.

Alyssa was quiet— she had to be, or someone in the library would notice what they were doing— but Eva knew her girlfriend, and she could tell what this was doing to her.

Eva takes her time, exploring and teasing, letting up whenever it seems like Alyssa is getting too close to an orgasm.

Eva can feel her own arousal building, deep in her core, and if she were alone— or alone with Alyssa— she would already be taking care of that. But instead, she keeps her hands wrapped firmly around Alyssa’s legs, and channels her frustration into seeing how far she can push Alyssa.

She pulls back again, just slightly, and Alyssa bucks her hips forward. Eva huffs out a small laugh, then gets back to business, gently pressing her tongue against the side of Alyssa’s clit.

Finally, Alyssa came with a whine deep in her throat. She cut herself off— Eva wondered if she'd bit her hand to keep quiet, or if she'd simply buried her head in her arms.

Eva sat for just a moment, wondering if she should try to get Alyssa off again. Then, Alyssa spoke.

"Get up here," she hissed.

Eva slowly pulled Alyssa’s underwear back into place, then she slipped back into her chair across from her girlfriend. She couldn't help but smile when she saw the state Alyssa was in.

To someone who didn't know her, Alyssa probably looked perfectly composed. But there was sweat beading up on her forehead, her eyes were glassy and unfocused, and her hair was slipping out of its perfectly smooth braid. By Alyssa’s standards, that was practically disheveled.

"You're very proud of yourself, aren't you," Alyssa said fondly.

Eva batted her eyes innocently. "I didn't interfere with your studying, did I?"

Alyssa rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips. Then she stood, took Eva's hand in hers, and pulled Eva behind her toward another section of the library. They stopped in a particularly musty series of shelves that Eva couldn't recall ever seeing before.

"No one ever needs books on obsolete Kek&Raff languages," Alyssa informed her, before pushing Eva back into a shelf, kissing her. She could feel Alyssa’s fingers tangling in her hair and coasted over her back, and Eva lightly nipped at Alyssa’s lip, hoping for more.

Then, Alyssa slipped her fingers under Eva's skirt, rubbing at Eva's clit through her underwear— underwear that was already damp from her arousal. Eva moaned into Alyssa’s mouth at the sensation, and Alyssa responded by rubbing her thumb against Eva's clit a bit harder, exactly the way she liked.

It was all Eva needed to send her over the edge. As she shuddered, her orgasm rolling through her, Alyssa held her tightly, kissing her along her neck and jaw.

When she'd finally caught her breath, Eva kissed Alyssa softly. No matter how many times they did this together, Eva never tired of it. Never tired of Alyssa.

"I suppose you'll be wanting to get back to studying, now," Eva said.

"We could," Alyssa said. "Or we could go back to our dorm and do this again."

Eva grinned. "I like your idea better."


credit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24766147



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