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SICP yuri fanfics

39 2022-07-31 19:55


"So," Alyssa says as she slips into the seat opposite Eva, "What's good here?"

"Milkshakes," Eva says firmly, "They're the best I've ever had."

Alyssa grins. "And you drink a lot of milkshakes, do you Miss I'm-An-Olympic-Fencer?"

Eva rolls her eyes and leans forward like she's telling her deepest, darkest secret. "Sometimes, when my coach isn't looking, I put a milkshake in the bottle that I'm meant to be using for my water."

Alyssa laughs. "Well, I guess we're getting milkshakes then."


"And what else is good here? Not just the milkshakes, I presume."

"The cheeseburgers as well," Eva replies before frowning, "Oh god, are you vegetarian? Do you eat meat? Is this okay?"

Alyssa nods. "It's perfect," She says, "Cheeseburgers and milkshakes...and fries - you can't have a cheeseburger without fries."

"Are you the kind of person who shares fries or should we get our own?"

Alyssa thinks back to the last time she saw Louis - when he took some of her fries as they both sat in front of the TV and she kicked him in the shin. "Sharing is good," She says, "If that's okay with you."

Eva reaches across the table and squeezes Alyssa's hand. "That sounds excellent."

By the time the food has arrived, Alyssa knows four new things about Eva.

1) Her favourite kind of milkshake is strawberry.

2) She first met Louis when she bumped into his football team at a hotel and sent him falling into a water fountain.

3) Her favourite movie series is Fast and Furious

4) When she laughs and smiles, she's the most stunning thing Alyssa has ever seen.

When their food arrives, Eva pushes Alyssa's Oreo milkshake towards her. "You have to tell me what you think." She reaches for her own milkshake and dips her finger into the whipped cream that's layered on top of it.

Alyssa looks away - suddenly flustered and aware of every little movement that Eva makes.

She stares down at her drink and takes a tentative sip.

It's good. Of course, it's good. Eva said it would be.

The milkshake is good - excellent, even - but it does nothing to solve Alyssa's actual problem, which is that Eva is way too attractive. She's way too attractive, she's got a body to die for and she has good taste in games and milkshakes.

Oh yeah, and she speaks two languages. She's practically Alyssa's dream girl.

"Good?" Eva asks.

"Very good," Alyssa replies, "Really good. Do you want some?"

Eva nods and pulls Alyssa's glass closer to her - leaning forward and taking a sip from Alyssa's straw.

Alyssa's fine. She's more than fine actually.

She's definitely thinking about how she's going to put her mouth around that straw later and that both of them will have touched it with their lips and how close that is - in a way - to kissing.

"Delicious," Eva says. She makes eye contact with Alyssa as she speaks and there's a little bit of milkshake on her lower lip - that she darts her tongue out to catch.

Alyssa swallows thickly - fighting that blush that wants to show on her face.

They linger again once all of their food is finished and order a second round of milkshakes.

Alyssa's phone buzzes as they're waiting and she pulls it out of her pocket to check it.

Louis [5:07 PM]: That con's been over for like two hours. Where are you?

Alyssa [5:08 PM]: Are you at my apartment again????

Louis [5:08 PM]: If you didn't want me to walk in whenever then you shouldn't have given me a key!!!!!!!

Alyssa rolls her eyes.

"Is everything okay?" Eva asks.

"Just Louis," Alyssa replies dismissively, "He's let himself into my apartment again."

Eva's brow furrows. "You are that close as friends?"

"Cousins," Alyssa clarifies as she types out another response to him, "He's always walking in unannounced - it's a bit annoying."

Alyssa [5:10 PM]: If you're staying, make sure you order some pizza. Also, the KitKat in the cupboard is off limits but everything else is fair game.

She locks her phone and puts it back into her pocket - sipping on her second milkshake and ignoring the way that Eva's eyes are on her.

"Well," Eva says, "If Louis is at your house, I should probably let you go so you and him can do whatever it is cousins do at each others' apartments."

Alyssa allows herself to laugh and her blush finally reaches her cheeks. "We don't do much," She assures Eva, "Just, you know, more gaming. Louis's crap at Assassin's Creed but he's halfway decent at Tetris."

"Halfway decent at Tetris," Eva echoes, "Coming from you Miss-World-Champion, that is a high compliment."

"Yeah," Alyssa says. She finishes the last of her milkshake. She reaches over the table and touches Eva's hand. "I had a good time today."

Eva grins at her. "I did too."

"It would be nice to do this again," Alyssa replies. She takes a moment to steel herself. "Could I have your number?"

Eva nods quickly. "Yes! Of course!"

They exchange numbers and Eva looks at her - a dusting of red across her cheeks.

"Maybe, next time could be a date?" She asks.

Alyssa beams at her. "I'd like that."


When Alyssa gets home, Louis looks at her weirdly.

She hadn't even realised that she's still beaming - still thinking about Eva and the next time they see each other, it'll be a date.


nerd credit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28876392/chapters/76374269



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