[ prog / sol / mona ]


SICP yuri fanfics

2 2018-11-11 14:43


Eva looked up, smiling at the sound of her lover's calls. "Alyssa..." She returned, before making a long, warm trail down the girl's stomach with her soft tongue. Eva could feel Alyssa shivering with delight as she went lower, heading towards what each of them desired now more than all else. Taking each of her thighs gently in her hands, Eva parted Alyssa's legs, smiling appreciatively at what she saw. The brown thatch of hair that drove her wild with hunger... and what lay beneath it.

The pair took their places silently, Eva kneeling on the floor gratefully, Alyssa laying on the edge of the bed before her. With only a look between them to prepare her, Eva leaned close and began to softly flick her tongue across that which haunted her every moment. In response, Alyssa arched her back, moaning softly at first, until Eva's tongue quickened its pace. The heat was rising within her, like waves. It was slow at first, until it became so prominent that Alyssa writhed and began clawing at the sheets behind her. Eva's eyes wandered up over Alyssa's body, seeing her breasts gently swaying while she called out to her, moaning her name amongst incomprehensible sounds of delight. Alyssa's gasps were growing more urgent, letting Eva know her lover was about to come.

Alyssa felt the warmth inside her building, causing her to clutch the sheets within her hands with all her might. As she was overtaken, Eva still licking her warmest, softest spot with feverish delight, Alyssa let out a scream of release, hips jerking. Eva's eyes flashed as she was greeted with the nectar that she could never drink enough of. It was sweet and blissfully tart all at the same time. Eva drank until there was no more. Alyssa went limp, body continuing to spasm delightfully. She closed her eyes, unable to move. From beside her, Eva crawled up onto the bed and took her body in her arms. The warmth between them made both the girls smile.

"I love you, Alyssa..." Eva whispered, wrapping her arms around Alyssa and pulling her as close to her body as she could.

"I love you too, Eva..." Alyssa breathed in reply before giving a soft smile of contentment and snuggling close.



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