;;; This is basically the web server in gerbil/src/tutorial/httpd/
;;; (C) vyzo at hackzen.org
;;; insanely fast, you should use that for Scheme web applications
(define (run address)
(let (httpd (start-http-server! address mux: (make-default-http-mux default-handler)))
(http-register-handler httpd "/" root-handler)
(http-register-handler httpd "/check" check-handler)
(thread-join! httpd)))
;; /
(define (root-handler req res)
(http-response-write res 200 '(("Content-Type" . "text/plain")) "Ok"))
;; /check
(define (check-handler req res)
(let* ((params (params->alist (http-request-params req)))
(ip (cdr (assoc "ip" params))))
(if (or (is-banned? ip) (in-abuseipdb? ip))
(http-response-write res 403 '(("Content-Type" . "text/plain")) "banned")
(http-response-write res 200 '(("Content-Type" . "text/plain")) "not banned"))))
;; default
(define (default-handler req res)
(http-response-write res 404 '(("Content-Type" . "text/plain"))
"these aren't the droids you are looking for.\n"))
(def (main . args)
(for-each (lambda (x) (hash-put! banlist x '() ))
(map ip->uint (readlines BLACKLIST)))
(define gopt
(getopt (option 'address "-a" "--address"
help: "server address"
default: "<port>")))
(let (opt (getopt-parse gopt args))
(run (hash-get opt 'address)))
(catch (getopt-error? exn)
(getopt-display-help exn "hellod" (current-error-port))
(exit 1))))