Me and some friends run an IPv6 dynamically routed network in the fd00::/8 space. We try keep things pretty organized, have netbox but not to the extent where it feels like you're signing up for dn42 and don't know where to begin because of admin.
I agree admin is good, we all want to know who owns what routes etc. but dn42 has AS numbers and all - you don't need that.
Anyways I wrote a blog about CRXN http://fh5r3hlkkwh7udtjeqmekmq4qd62jnjqmnqob5hm3ndiuo6lauza.b32.i2p/blog/crxn/
And I also have documentation that is almost complete on joining http://fh5r3hlkkwh7udtjeqmekmq4qd62jnjqmnqob5hm3ndiuo6lauza.b32.i2p/projects/crxn
Reply here or mail me if you're interested. I enjoy routing and IPv6 especially.
We're using Bird 1.6 and Bird 2.0 of course you can use what you want - I have Mikrotik's working even over OSPF.