[ prog / sol / mona ]


/comfy/ IRC network for programmers

1 2021-06-01 20:12

Normally we hang in #programming and #general (sometimes #crxn).


Servers available on clearnet, I2P, cjdns, Yggdrasil and CRXN.


On another note I realised planet.i2p does this thing where it scrapes RSS feeds - well now you have it http://fh5r3hlkkwh7udtjeqmekmq4qd62jnjqmnqob5hm3ndiuo6lauza.b32.i2p/blog/index.xml

2 2021-06-01 23:29 *

Post the clearnet or TOR addresses and I'll join.

3 2021-06-02 01:30 *

Ignore >>2 remove clearnet.

4 2021-06-02 07:37

Only I2P there so far.

Yggdrasil and others can be given on request (I just need to put them up)

5 2021-06-02 07:38

No Tor because Tor is a pane to setup compared to i2pd (specifically I2pd, I2P is just as bad as Tor - cause Java programs :ew:)

6 2021-06-02 08:24

>>2 Use i2p?



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