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ESR keeps his mouth shut.

2 2021-04-29 21:14

My take is that my opinion doesn't matter a hill of beans, as I am
not in a position to sue Grsecurity. Linus and the FSF have all the
resources they need to be in this fight, assuming theyu want to be.


If the ppeople with skin in this game and the money to hire lawyers to
fight Grsecurity aren't willing to step up on the facts you've already
presented, nothing I say will make them.

I don't shrink from a fight, but I choose my battles carefully. This
doesn't look to me like a good one to be in.


I have never thought GPL-style reciprocal licensing was very important
to the success of open source, and never use it for new work myself.
That I hold this opinion is no secret and I'm surprised you didn't
know it. It does mean I will be much less upset than you if somebody
breaks the GPL.

You're ignoring several important secondary effects that do in fact
provide rewards for releasing.

But I'm not going to argue this point in detail, because I need to
make money today. With an open-source tool I released (reposurgeon)
that generates consulting contracts for me.

He won't say shit about grsec. He's afraid of getting sued or "doesn't care". Now he won't respond to my emails. Just like Richard Matthew Stallman won't respond to anything regarding grsec.

They're fucking frauds.



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