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Richard Matthew Stallman

1 2021-03-20 10:51

As an aspiring mathematicians you know that a value can be measured only in comparison. So lets compare Richard 'Poor Pedo' Stallman (68) to his arch nemesis - Bill Gates (65).

While Poor Stallman was fucking bitches and wasting time at MIT, Bill Gates worked hard on Microsoft BASIC, which proved so good that every second microcomputer had it in ROM.

When Poor Stallman was drinking vodka and puking it back as GPL, Bill Gates used the money he earned from BASIC to organize a team of talented developers to create MS DOS. Costing juts $40 in 1981, DOS was a cheap and affordable alternative to CP/M, which cost $240. CP/M author was so mad, he got a heart attack and went out of business.

When Poor Stallman was busy stealing Gosling Emacs and Pascal Compiler code to present them as their own GNU Emacs and GCC, Bill Gates's Microsoft published Windows - a cheap alternative to MacOS. Windows was also compatible with DOS and all the Microsoft Basic programs (while the competition never bothered to retain backward compatibility). In fact, you can run DOS programs (outside of self-booting ones) and ancient Microsoft Basic code even today on Windows 10. There is even a video which demonstrates upgrading a single system from DOS to Windows 10. That is some commitment!

When Poor Stallman was claiming Linux as GNU/Linux, Bill Gates made rich all his college friends and early employees, like Steve Ballmer, while Microsoft has published Windows 95 - OS so simple and braindead that even a complete nigger can use it. It is still unknown to science if niggers can use GNU/Linux and write Emacs Lisp - so far there were no occurrences.

When Poor Stallman started openly working for American enemies, frequenting RussiaToday, supporting conspiracy theories and bitching about politics. Bill Gates retired from leading Microsoft to invest into developing countless other technology areas and run charities intended to actually improve people lives. One of them is technology creating drinkable water out of literal swamp water. Others patents are more questionable, like the vaccines from malaria, which kills millions of niggers each years, keeping their population in check. So now some people rightfully blame Gates for helping these niggers to survive.

When Poor Bum was kicked by his commie friends out of FSF for being a pedo and a toxic Russian asset, Bill Gates had accomplished everything an IT personality can ever dream accomplishing in his life.

Now tell us why kids should follow the Stallman's example, instead of the Bill Gates's one?

If you dislike Bill Gates, we can compare Stallman to Steve Jobs or Jack Tramiel. But something tells me non of these comparisons will be favorable to Poor Stallman.



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