[ prog / sol / mona ]


e and the Stern-Brocot tree

51 2021-03-03 11:11

The hypothesis of >>47 does not hold.

spec  index    digits group
e     10^12   6167766 RRLRR(LRL[4+4*k]RLR[6+4*k])*
sqrt5 10^9  156740731 (RRLLLLRR)*
sqrt7 10^9  171773357 (RRLRLRR)*
sqrt3 10^9  190649183 (RLR)*
sqrt2 10^9  191387843 (RLLR)*
phi   10^9  208987641 (RL)*

Sqrt3 has more switches (2N/3) than Sqrt2 (N/2) but grows at a slower rate. Sqrt7 also has more switches (4N/7) than Sqrt2 and slower growth.



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