[ prog / sol / mona ]


e and the Stern-Brocot tree

27 2021-02-24 00:29


import math

# 0 1   a c   a a+c   1 1   a+c c   1 0
# 1 0   b d   b b+d   0 1   b+d d   1 1
class Matrix:
   I = [1, 0, 0, 1]
   S = [0, 1, 1, 0]
   L = [1, 1, 0, 1]
   R = [1, 0, 1, 1]

   @ staticmethod
   def new ():
      return [None] * 4

   @ staticmethod
   def copy (m):
      return m [:]

   @ staticmethod
   def copyinto (msrc, mdst):
      mdst [:] = msrc

   @ staticmethod
   def pair (m):
      return (m [0] + m [1], m [2] + m [3])

   @ staticmethod
   def mul (m1, m2, mout):
      mout [0] = m1 [0] * m2 [0] + m1 [1] * m2 [2]
      mout [1] = m1 [0] * m2 [1] + m1 [1] * m2 [3]
      mout [2] = m1 [2] * m2 [0] + m1 [3] * m2 [2]
      mout [3] = m1 [2] * m2 [1] + m1 [3] * m2 [3]

class Stack:
   @ staticmethod
   def alloc (size, matrixclass):
      new = matrixclass.new
      return [new () for k in range (size)]

   @ staticmethod
   def ensure (stack, need, matrixclass):
      have = len (stack)
      if have < need:
         stack.extend (Stack.alloc (need - have, matrixclass))

class Expo:
   @ staticmethod
   def bits (m, exp, mstack, stackpos, matrixclass):
      MC = matrixclass

      if exp < 1:
         MC.copyinto (MC.I, mstack [stackpos])

      if exp == 1:
         MC.copyinto (m, mstack [stackpos])

      outnow     = stackpos
      outother   = stackpos + 1
      powernow   = stackpos + 2
      powerother = stackpos + 3
      div, mod   = divmod (exp, 2)
      left       = div
      mul        = MC.mul

      Stack.ensure (mstack, stackpos + 4, MC)
      MC.copyinto (m, mstack [powernow])
      MC.copyinto (m if mod else MC.I, mstack [outnow])

      while left:
         div, mod = divmod (left, 2)
         left     = div
         mul (mstack [powernow], mstack [powernow], mstack [powerother])
         powernow, powerother = powerother, powernow
         if mod:
            mul (mstack [outnow], mstack [powernow], mstack [outother])
            outnow, outother = outother, outnow

      if outnow != stackpos:
         MC.copyinto (mstack [outnow], mstack [stackpos])

# context
#    stack
#    matrixclass
class Group:
   @ classmethod
   def kind (cls):

   def eval (self, ctx, stackpos):

class EmptyGroup (Group):
   @ classmethod
   def kind (cls):
      return "empty"

   def eval (self, ctx, stackpos):
      MC    = ctx ["matrixclass"]
      stack = ctx ["stack"      ]
      MC.copyinto (MC.I, stack [stackpos])

class FixedGroup (Group):
   @ classmethod
   def kind (cls):
      return "fixed"

   def __init__ (self, fixedstr):
      self.fixedstr = fixedstr

   def eval (self, ctx, stackpos):
      MC    = ctx ["matrixclass"]
      stack = ctx ["stack"      ]
      fs    = self.fixedstr
      count = len (fs)

      if count < 1:
         MC.copyinto (MC.I, stack [stackpos])

      sym = {'L': MC.L, 'R': MC.R}

      if count == 1:
         MC.copyinto (sym [fs], stack [stackpos])

      div, mod = divmod (count - 1, 2)

      if mod:
         now   = stackpos + 1
         other = stackpos
         now   = stackpos
         other = stackpos + 1

      Stack.ensure (stack, stackpos + 2, MC)
      mnow   = stack [now  ]
      mother = stack [other]
      MC.copyinto (sym [fs [0]], mnow)
      mul    = MC.mul
      fspos  = 1

      for k in range (div):
         mul (mnow,   sym [fs [fspos    ]], mother)
         mul (mother, sym [fs [fspos + 1]], mnow)
         fspos += 2

      if mod:
         mul (mnow, sym [fs [fspos]], mother)


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