[ prog / sol / mona ]


The Forced Indentation Of Code

258 2023-05-02 23:10

Peano space-filling curve on the connector flower garden >>214. Up to the level of rendering connectors in flower patches this is the same as the >>214 Sierpinski space-filling curve. The change is that the Peano grammar is slightly compressed by factoring out the invariant portion of the RHS of productions. The grammar expander is the expandspec lambda. After that the same derivation tree walker is used as in >>214, in the derive lambda.

terminal-sized output: >>254,255
code: >>256,257
larger output: http://paste.textboard.org/684b55d2/raw https://endchan.net/art/res/2.html#72

Upgrade of the post joiner >>251 with batch mode, to reassemble all the split posts up to this point >>249,250 >>254,255 >>256,257:

((getcode, thread, joinspecs) => joinspecs.forEach (([pids, separ, remove]) => (codes => (count => {codes [count - 1].innerText = codes.map (e => e.innerText).join (separ); if (remove) {codes. slice (0, -1).forEach (e => e.remove ())}}) (codes.length)) (pids.split (" ").map (s => getcode (thread, parseInt (s, 10)))))) ((thread, id) => document.getElementById ("t" + thread + "p" + id).parentNode.nextElementSibling.querySelector ("code"), 22, [["249 250", "\n", true], ["254 255", "\n", true], ["256 257", " ", true]])


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