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Monads,Async/Await : Algebraic Effects in C99

57 2021-01-17 20:48

>>57 Well it obviously appeals to APL programmers. And Lisp and (esp. point-free) Haskell aren't aesthetically pleasing to lots of programmers, C and otherwise.
And there are advantages to APL being more "native" to (non comp-sci) scientists, mathematicians, and engineers.

But, of course, the question I was implying wasn't "Why don't C programmers on this board brag about how they can do what APL does in C?"

The question was "With all of the paradigms out there, why do C programmers spend so much time bragging that they can do what Haskell and Lisp do?" Is it just because those two languages are so prominent in acedemia compared to data-flow or concurrent languages?



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