This is a port of Alex Shinn’s portable pattern matcher for MIT/GNU Scheme.
Where were you when I needed you?
Instead I had to use Oleg Kiselyov's simple match macro :
(define-syntax match
(syntax-rules ()
((__ exp clause ...)
(let ((val-to-match exp))
(match* val-to-match clause ...)))))
(define (match-failure val)
(error "failed match" val))
(define-syntax match*
(syntax-rules (else)
((__ val (else exp ...))
(let () exp ...))
((__ val)
(match-failure val))
((__ val (pattern () exp ...) . clauses)
(let ((fail (lambda () (match* val . clauses))))
; note that match-pattern may do binding. Here,
; other clauses are outside of these binding
(match-pattern val pattern (let () exp ...) (fail))))
((__ val (pattern guard exp ...) . clauses)
(let ((fail (lambda () (match* val . clauses))))
(match-pattern val pattern
(if guard (let () exp ...) (fail))
; (match-pattern val pattern kt kf)
(define-syntax match-pattern
(syntax-rules (_ quote unquote)
((__ val _ kt kf) kt)
((__ val () kt kf)
(if (null? val) kt kf))
((__ val (quote lit) kt kf)
(if (equal? val (quote lit)) kt kf))
((__ val (unquote var) kt kf)
(let ((var val)) kt))
((__ val (x . y) kt kf)
(if (pair? val)
(let ((valx (car val))
(valy (cdr val)))
(match-pattern valx x
(match-pattern valy y kt kf)
((__ val lit kt kf)
(if (equal? val (quote lit)) kt kf))))
Well, it worked. Still, I could rewrite the concerned parts one of these days. I haven't yet tested Adam Massma's port of the portable hygienic pattern matcher.
There were two other alternatives that I didn't feel very compelled to use. Of course that doesn't mean they're worthless.
What I really needed at that time was a port of Alex Shin's pattern matcher. It wasn't published yet. Weird synchronicity, someone was working on it. The code in >>1's link is only 3 weeks old.
I'm unique in this thread. I've recently decided that pattern matching as it is traditionally implemented is harmful. While you gain a more convenient syntax for operating on compound data structures to gain this syntax you have to completely throw away data abstraction for non-literals. We need a way to succinctly express these same operations on compound data in such a way that we can overload the literal syntax used to correspond to arbitrary abstract data. This would mean decomposing a some abstract data through its assessors preserving abstraction barriers.
Can you elaborate?
What would you like elaborated?
GHC Haskell has this with the ViewPatterns extension.
It's true, there are also pattern synonyms: