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Is it necessary to buy into "Worse is Better" and "The Right Thing"?

3 2020-10-03 07:34

Most people don't understand for why machines exist. A computer which returns obviously incorrect results is useless, and one which returns subtly incorrect results is worse than useless.

UNIX weenies were never taught for why the machine exists. They may as well believe it exists for them to impress others and look cool. I hate UNIX, only because I'm forced to use it every day.

To use the analogy, it would be like people complaining they can't get fresh vegetables, only soda and canned food, and then people piss in their gardens when they try to do it themselves, mocking them for not wanting the same food. The point of food isn't nourishment and sustenance, to such idiots, but to taste good and socialize, so they don't care that the food occasionally has bugs or their feces isn't the right colour, because that's just the way it is.



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