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Marvin Minsky - The Beauty of the Lisp Language

220 2020-10-13 07:02

The key issue here might be convincing LISP autists to cooperate on one central project like GCC without introducing some ideological subtext on which the autists have different opinion.

1.Explain how GCC&LINUX are pillars of open-source.
A.Why there has to be a 'central optimizing compiler'
B.Why language is perceived as its best compiler performance
C.How compiler code defines language development

2.Explain how market fragmentation dilutes effort of man-hours spent programming.
A.Demonstrate how LISP programmers spread their effort on countless
side projects and toy libraries.
B.Demonstrate how such libraries and projects don't cooperate or reuse each other code, resulting in duplication of effort.
C.Explain how 'software development' effort is conserved by reuse and adaptation.

3.Explain how much they would benefit if standards were followed;
A.Safe code reuse. B.Reduction of wrapper/adapter code.
C.Standards ensure concrete laws and predictable rules are followed. D.Standards allow portability and integrity of implementation.

4.Explain why libraries need to be portable across all compilers:
Streamlining development and enabling centralization of effort.
A key example here is Rust Crates. Rust Crates are a centralized ecosystem of small software packages that are interoperating,
allowing quickly designing architectures relying on libraries and writing algorithms/libraries without much effort due pre-existing software stack synergizing with new code due network effect.



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