[ prog / sol / mona ]


The quest for blob-free hardware

14 2020-06-10 20:23

While that was mildly entertaining, one wonders how you came to know about that thread.

15 2020-06-10 20:34 *

Maybe one isn't too bright. Must be some incredible hacker skills or something.

16 2020-06-10 20:38 *

I was looking for something that I've posted in a thread. I really should stop reading what's posted.

19 2020-06-11 14:04

So you immediately get defensive and have to resort to insults as soon as something doesn't go your way to the slightest extent? I assure you that outing yourself as a /PoolOfLosers/ browser is slightly less damaging to how you are perceived than making a fool out of yourself by losing your composure. Lincoln had a habit of writing a response letter in the heat of the moment, then marking it as not to be sent and never sending it. After a day or so he would write a much calmer and more measured response that would actually get sent. It seems your lack of self control is such that you could benefit from the equivalent practice.

20 2020-06-11 14:23 *

WOW LOOK AT THAT! You couln't have thought of it by yourself? What exactly you was in your head? Do tell me, please.

I'm tired of your constant whining and suspicion. Don't give me lessons when you're still on that subject 24 hours after you bumped that thread with your paranoia while I was updating the repo with a template for board list, to avoid some more whining. I may be quick to react but I'm also very quick to move along.

Do you want me to open a curious.cat account for all your future questions? What does this have to do with open hardware?

22 2020-06-11 21:00

I didn't want to call you out as being Bitdiddle merely based on >>15. I didn't expect you to do it yourself either. This is your third episode on this board, after
The first one you passed off as

I admit, I was pissed off that one time, a few weeks ago, but not now. There were other problems around me back then...

and the second one as

I'm just overplaying my own (presumed) character for laughs and giggles. I may have untreatable anxiety problems and a weird deadpan sense of humour but that's irrelevant. I actually feel much better when I'm somewhat productive.

At least one other Anon noticed, the one with

Calm your horses, Benny boy. You're better than that.

who referred to you in a way I wouldn't. I am simply not used to getting such outlandish reactions to dry inquiries, so I am still learning how to make such dry inquiries in your case without causing these reactions, because they are completely new to me. We have had other interactions in which you had no problems maintaining your composure.


This part speaks for itself.

24 hours after

You will understand that some of us are too busy with other things to respond in 19 minutes. Slow exchanges are common on low-volume boards.

Do you want me to open a curious.cat account for all your future questions?

I am perfectly fine with all SchemeBBS questions being on textboard.org. A desire for a different venue can only come from one who is not fine with all SchemeBBS questions being on textboard.org.

What does this have to do with open hardware?

Once you have calmed down, you will see it is exactly as much as the "On a side note" post in >>11.

23 2020-06-11 21:05

You sure look busy.



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