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A Lisp hacker

24 2019-10-06 21:15

Someone, I don't know if the creator or not, has linked to this website from Hacker News, and so that explains the burst of activity. It had until recently not been uploaded; what a shame.


But wouldn't your typical Lisp weenie be deterred by a relative lack of interactivity when developing with Ada ?

That's required adjustment, yes. One of the reasons I learned Ada is because it's so different from every other language I knew. I figured if I was going to learn a language with strict and static typing, an unchangeable and keyword-based syntax, a lack of metaprogramming, and other things I'm unaccustomed to, that it should be Ada. The focus on reliability and readability are also appealing to me. I follow that advice of not learning a language that doesn't change the way I think of programming.

it seems unlikely that a Slime/Cider (or even Python REPL) development experience would be available for Ada.

Ada lacks an REPL. I compensate by writing small programs and compiling them, for testing and whatnot. For those languages I know best, I don't even need an REPL, as I simply know what the code will do beforehand, but I don't believe I'm there with Ada yet, at least with the standard and predefined libraries. The base of the language is rather simple and pleasant.

I'm not affiliated with any ``startup''.


As an alternative to Ada, you could try ML or OCaml as a Lisp-descended languages with serious type systems and modules, but with garbage collection, functional style, and less verbose syntax than Ada.

I told an acquaintance I'd learn Idris at some point, but that's still a ways away. If I want to write a functional program with concise syntax, I'll write more APL. I want to stress that I've been told this same thing before, I presume by another, and that ML fails in comparing to Ada for reliability concerns, which is a major reason to use it. I can write an Ada program that doesn't allocate any memory and properly responds to memory exhaustion, whereas it's my understanding this isn't reasonable in ML.

I was collecting more ``downvotes'' per month than anyone else on the website, apparently I was collecting nearly one hundred a month or whatever and the average is six or so. My Internet points were still increasing, but I was collecting ``downvotes'' and the administrator decided to ban me after a private conversation in which I pointed out how even my well-researched and well-written posts were called ``incorrect'', because someone disagreed with it, and how this reveals the Internet point system as mistaken in theory and implementation. So, simply put, I was banned because I was ``downvoted''. I asked the administrator to point out the particular rules I was violating, but he wouldn't and merely told me to avoid ``downvotes''. I'm accustomed to using actual rules for judging things, as anonymous systems don't permit following a history around, and I understandably find the entire situation pathetic on his part. With that explained, let's not continue to discuss this particular topic, if that's fine with you, as I don't enjoy giving the venue attention.



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