[ prog / sol / mona ]


A Lisp hacker

158 2022-12-29 21:03

I've decided to do what I did with my machine code work, and shelve my language modelling work for now; I'll release some of it soon, but it still amounts to a toy and I'll need to work much more than was anticipated for it to move beyond that. Still, I look forward to intaking poetry with it at some point, since that will be a small and simple way to demonstrate it.

I'd be best off with funding for my work and at least one helper, but that won't come, and it also occurred to me that pursuing someone else's ideas could do for me some good. Unfortunately, every time I try to contact some research center, I never receive any replies, so I can't expect to be paid for helping to breathe life into someone else's vision either.

Anyone reading this who's unaware of Pest should probably learn of it:

This is what I'll be pursuing now; I was going to do so anyway. Only the Serpent cipher will be a real annoyance, as I've never implemented it; I already have most of what's needed for the comprehensive SHA library in Ada, scattered about my workspace. Unlike the other Pest implementations, I'll have one entirely divorced from its user interface, and this will make it suitable for multiple user interface attempts to be tried. Pest is like bone, and so Ada's better suited to it than Lisp, which is suited more to living flesh.

I'm not particularly interested in Pest beyond using it to communicate with a select few, and it's not the manner of system I would ever design, but it still has something like a beauty about itself, and even could be useful as the transport mechanism of other works; it should be a suitable reprieve from my usual work.



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