[ prog / sol / mona ]


A Lisp hacker

132 2022-02-01 06:44

That article is finished: http://verisimilitudes.net/2022-01-31
Until the CSS be improved, the Gopher version is better: gopher://verisimilitudes.net/12022-01-31

I wrote a tiny Common Lisp program to exemplify the style. I named the functions AD-VERBUM-AB-NUMERO (to word from number) and AD-NUMERUM-AB-VERBO (to number from word), but I'll likely change these to AD-LITTERAS-AB-NVMERO (to letters from number) and AD-NVMERVM-AB-LITTERIS (to number from letters), as I figure this is more correct. In any case, how nice. I'll start, finish, and publish the Ada version soon, which should be much nicer.


The tense makes it seem a very empirical question.

I failed to mention the ID (it) is implicit there:
(ID) QVOD AVDĪTVR POST FVLGVR ((it) what is heard after lightning)

Think of it as similar to this: Fear what goes bump in the dark.


I loathe them.


I'll investigate.


I'd considered and forgotten this; I wasn't too keen on joining just to shill my work.

An auxiliary dictionary would be paired with the documents using it, generally. An English language document can use an English language dictionary.

I loathe URLs, which have no place in Elision. If it becomes necessary, a dictionary could be referenced by hash checksum, for integrity purposes. I see documents as arrays prefixed with arrays pertaining to the following arrays, and so on. Details will be clear when and if a working system, beyond toki pona, comes into existence.



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