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A Lisp hacker

102 2021-11-13 03:58

It's been a good while and so I thought I might drop a line, despite having little to report.

I completed a simple grammar which seems to have help considerably. Unsurprisingly, grammar seems to be one of those disciplines best learned whole if crudely and only then refined. That being said, I still have some difficult. As an example in >>99 I failed to recognize without collaboration that ``also meaning language'' was an appositive with ``also'' serving as an adverb to the gerund ``meaning''. I'm also in general rather slow when dealing with more involved sentences. I picked A New English Grammar back up a couple of days ago, but even review has been immensely slow.

I also read a simple proof methodology book. It reminded me of some things which I need to correct, but it mostly told me things I already knew. Just having the reminder seems to have helped some, but I feel I need to take on more intuitive math to improve my skills. Speaking of which I'm around a third through Dijkstra's A Discipline of Programming, which is a very odd sort of math. Predicate transformer semantics feels a bit like solving an equation for a variable to find the solution to the variable is in fact a proof. Thinking to perform induction on universal quantification and other techniques are replaced by similar but alien (and all the more disturbing because of this) constructs.

Admittedly I've hardly reread any of your website at all. I think when I do I would like to treat it like a math book, attempting to create my own solutions to the problem and then contrasting with that given to see how I can improve. Admittedly this seems distant to me now, but I'll make a schedule to commit to this tomorrow.

Overall I've been feeling worse and growing slower over the elapsed time. The weather foiled the habits I had made to reduce the negative effects of my building, and I suspect I allowed myself to be poisoned again, all be it to a lesser extent. Anyway, I plan to have a permanent solution to this in around a year, and I'm taking some temporary measures now. Regarding time, I hope to finish the two mentioned books in progress by January 10th, this should be plenty of time, but also requires I do better than I have been lately.

How are you doing? You seem to have been consistently decreasing your posting everywhere I read you for a while now. I keep thinking something might be wrong despite reading the occasional justification in the logs.



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