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Small programming projects ideas

9 2020-05-27 00:00

from https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Tamagotchi_emulator

(define-constant CYCLE_TIME 30000) ;; 30 sec for tests, may be 4 hours, 1 day ...
(string-delimiter "")
(struct tamagotchi (name age food poop bored))
;; utility : display tamagotchi thoughts : transitive verb + complement
(define (tama-talk tama)
(writeln (string-append
   "๐Ÿ˜ฎ : "
   (word-random #:any '( verbe trans inf -vintran)))
   " les " 
   (word-random #:any '(nom pluriel))))
;; load tamagotchi from persistent storage into *tama* global
(define (run-tamagotchi)
	(if (null? (local-get '*tama*))
	    (writeln "Please (make-tamagotchi <name>)")
	    (make-tamagotchi (tamagotchi-name *tama*) *tama*)
	    (tama-cycle *tama*)
	    (writeln (tama-health *tama*)))))
;; make a new tamagotchi
;; or instantiate an existing
;; tama : instance ot tamagotchi structure
(define (make-tamagotchi name (tama null))
(when (null? tama) 
		(set! tama (tamagotchi name 0 2 0 0))
		(define-global '*tama* tama)
		(local-put '*tama*))
;; define the <name> procedure :
;;  perform user action / save tamagotchi / display status
(define-global name
(lambda (action)
	(define tama (local-get '*tama*))
	[case action
	((feed) (set-tamagotchi-food! tama  (1+  (tamagotchi-food tama))))
	((talk)  (tama-talk tama) (set-tamagotchi-bored! tama (max 0 (1- (tamagotchi-bored tama)))))
	((clean) (set-tamagotchi-poop! tama (max 0 (1- (tamagotchi-poop tama)))))
	((look) #t)
;; debug actions
	((_cycle) (tama-cycle tama))
	((_reset) (set! *tama* null) (local-put '*tama*))
	((_kill) (set-tamagotchi-age! tama 44))
	((_self) (writeln tama))
	(else (writeln "actions: feed/talk/clean/look"))]
	(local-put '*tama*)
	(tama-health tama))))
;; every n msec : get older / eat food / get bored / poop
(define (tama-cycle tama)
		(when (tama-alive tama)
		(set-tamagotchi-age! tama (1+ (tamagotchi-age tama)))
		(set-tamagotchi-bored! tama (+   (tamagotchi-bored tama) (random 2)))
		(set-tamagotchi-food! tama  (max 0 (-  (tamagotchi-food tama) 2)))
		(set-tamagotchi-poop! tama  (+   (tamagotchi-poop tama) (random 2))))
		(local-put '*tama*))
;; compute sickness (too much poop, too much food, too much bored)
(define (tama-sick tama) 	
	 (+ (tamagotchi-poop tama) 
	    (tamagotchi-bored tama) 
	    (max 0 (- (tamagotchi-age tama) 32)) ;; die at 42
	    (abs (-  (tamagotchi-food tama) 2))))
;; alive if sickness <= 10
(define (tama-alive tama)
		(<= (tama-sick tama) 10))
;; display num icons from a list
(define (icons list num)
		(for/fold (str "  ") ((i [in-range 0 num] )) 
		(string-append str (list-ref list (random (length list))))))
;; display boredom/food/poops icons
(define (tama-status tama)
	(if (tama-alive tama)
		" [ "
		(icons '(๐Ÿ’ค  ๐Ÿ’ญ โ“ ) (tamagotchi-bored tama))  
		(icons  '(๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ” ๐ŸŸ ๐Ÿฐ  ๐Ÿœ ) (tamagotchi-food tama))
		(icons '(๐Ÿ’ฉ) (tamagotchi-poop tama))
		" ]")
	    " R.I.P" ))
;; display health status = f(sickness)
(define (tama-health tama)
	(define sick (tama-sick tama))
	;;(writeln 'health:sickยฐ= sick)
	(format "%a (๐ŸŽ‚ %d)  " (tamagotchi-name tama)(tamagotchi-age tama))
	([<= sick 2]   (icons '(๐Ÿ˜„  ๐Ÿ˜ƒ  ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜Š  ๐Ÿ˜Ž๏ธ  ๐Ÿ‘ ) 1 ))  ;; ok <= 2
	([<= sick 4]   (icons '(๐Ÿ˜ช  ๐Ÿ˜ฅ  ๐Ÿ˜ฐ  ๐Ÿ˜“  )  1))
	([<= sick 6]   (icons '(๐Ÿ˜ฉ  ๐Ÿ˜ซ )  1))
	([<= sick 10]  (icons '(๐Ÿ˜ก  ๐Ÿ˜ฑ ) 1)) ;; very bad
	(else  (icons '(โŒ  ๐Ÿ’€  ๐Ÿ‘ฝ  ๐Ÿ˜‡ ) 1))) ;; dead
    (tama-status tama)))
;; timer operations
;; run tama-proc = cycle every CYCLE_TIME msec
(define (tama-proc n)
	(define tama (local-get '*tama*))
	(when (!null? tama)
		(tama-cycle tama)
		(writeln (tama-health tama))))
;; boot
;; manual boot or use (preferences) function
(every CYCLE_TIME tama-proc)

It's written in EchoLisp, a dialect I've never heard of.



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