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Small programming projects ideas

46 2020-06-07 19:07

Write a modern clone of Lisppaste ( https://www.common-lisp.net/project/lisppaste/ )
I'm sure you remember it from the #lisp IRC channel, it was a cool bot.

http://paste.lisp.org/ - the service is closed, the ftp server that hosted the tarball is down. You can still get it here: https://web.archive.org/web/20070205155834if_/http://common-lisp.net:80/project/lisppaste/lisppaste2.3.tar.gz

But Lisppaste used araneida which is a dead project and cl-irc. RIP.

I felt the need for a pastebin service because 0x0.st file retention is 365 days max. I have been looking for other Lisp pastebin services, found https://github.com/kristoferbuffington/guile-pastebin A guix package, nice. It depends on guile-wiredtiger. Oh no, I can feel it coming: Amirouche Boubekki. I'm certain he's a nice guy. But you can't look for anything related to Scheme on the Web without stumbling upon his name. And of course he hosted his repo on that lame French service, Framasphere. And he's deleted it!
You made yourself a name on the Scheme community, Amirouche, by making AMA on Reddit[1], giving talks for ambitious and never finished projects on all kind of conferences and being active in a lot of mailing lists. Could you at least leave your repos, especially if other projects depend on them or if they're packaged in Guix? I'd drop you a mail on amirouche@hypermove.net, but the domain isn't registered anymore.

In the end, I modified this CL script: https://github.com/rdtft/paster

Feel free to use whatever pastebin service you like the most, but there's one hosted here now and it's Lisp: https://paste.textboard.org or the shorter https://paste.bbs.ax

I've tried to emulate the 0x0.st cURL feature because it's neat for scripting. If you do

curl --data-urlencode 'paste@your_file.txt' https://paste.bbs.ax/create

you'll get the url of the raw paste as a text reply. Of course you can use the web interface too. I'd have hosted 0x0 with a longer file retention but I fear images. Even with the NSFW neural network filter.

I may reuse the code of SchemeBBS to make that simple service in MIT Scheme, it's not too hard and I think I have a barebone IRC client. If anyone is down for that small project, it'd be even better.

1. https://www.reddit.com/r/scheme/comments/8h198t/ama_i_am_amirouche_boubekki_the_developer_of/ Hi I am Amirouche the developper of guile-wiredtiger that I deleted from Internet AMA



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