I remember one huge party in a student dorm. Party in every room, every corridor, you'd just mingle and hop from a small group of people to another. I think I was afraid of missing out on something. I told this girl: "hey Sanja let's find the place with the best atmosphere, the room where people are partying the hardest with the best music and the best alcohol and stay there". She told me "No dumbass! That's not how it works! We are the party! The best place is around us and people come to us, not the other way round". She was blonde and tall. She studied civil engineering. In astrophysics, accretion is the accumulation of particles into a massive object by gravitationally attracting more matter, typically gaseous matter, in an accretion disk. Most astronomical objects, such as galaxies, stars, and planets, are formed by accretion processes.