What kind of example is that?
in https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Scheme_Programming/Macros
(match some-value (literally-hitler)
((literally-hitler . rest) ; First element is literally Hitler.
(error "Found the Nazi"))
(((a b) second . rest) ; First element is a two-element list.
(display a))
((first second . rest) ; It's a list with at least two elements.
(display (list first second)))
(else #f))
A hilarious one
How does the match macro differenciate between symbols and variables? Elisp's pcase uses backquotes, but from the second example, it seems that symbols are bound to variables by default.
Symbols are listed in the second parameter.
It's the sort of thing I would've found funny back when I was 16, so I assume that it was written by a teen. Good on them for learning Scheme at such a young age.
Searching for posts that contain ‘sicp’. 255 results found.
U tel me
It's a wiki so anybody can edit the pages. The nazi-finding macro was added the same day the page was created (04/03/2015) by the page creator who's also the sole editor. The IP address is from USA.
The text is unexpected in a programming book and thus mildly amusing. I don't feel offended enough to take it to Twitter with a screenshot of the page and a selfie of my irrepressible tears and beg for mob justice and termination of Wikibooks.
I think that's about it.
wew lad