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LISP Puzzles

42 2020-04-13 23:22

The same OEIS page has:

Cristian Francu, C program to generate the N-th element in O(sqrt(N))

The program is made publicly available by OEIS:

/* by Cristian Francu on 2019-12-19
   C source code that generates the Nth element of A005228.
   Runs in O(sqrt(N)) time and uses O(sqrt(N)) memory. Works for N up to
   2 billion, but can be made to run up to much higher values using either
   128 bit integers, or large numbers.

   - We generate elements linearly, storing them in a queue, as to know when 
     to skip them. When skipping an element we take it out of the queue.
   - We keep track of how many elements we can generate until we reach the 
      last element in the queue (to skip).
   - We stop with linear generation when we can generate at least N elements.
     In other words, the last element in the queue minus one is greater or 
     equal to the desired Nth element.
   - This way we will generate about sqrt(N) elements.
   - At this point the queue will contain about sqrt(N) elements.
   - All the above uses integer computations (four bytes).
   - At this point we use a formula to compute the Nth element: it is the sum
     of a sequence of consecutive numbers.
   - We adjust that summation, subtracting the elements in the queue (except 
     the last one).
   - This last step is also sqrt(N) time since that is the length of the queue.
   - This last step uses long long subtractions (8 bytes).
#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXQ 65536

int used[MAXQ];

int main() {
  int n, i, l, first, last, inqueue, xc, qlen, maxq;
  long long x;

  scanf( "%d", &n );

  used[first = last = 0] = -1; // sentinel
  xc = 1;
  l = 1;
  inqueue = 0;
  i = n - 1;
  maxq = 0;
  while ( i > inqueue ) {
    if ( l == used[first] ) {
      first = (first + 1) % MAXQ;
    inqueue += l - 1;
    used[last] = xc + l;
    last = (last + 1) % MAXQ;

    if ( (last - first + MAXQ) % MAXQ > maxq )
      maxq = (last - first + MAXQ) % MAXQ;
    xc += l;
  // This is the second stage, summation and subtraction of elements in queue.
  x = xc;
  if ( i > 0 ) {
    /* We have i more elements to compute starting with xc to which we have
       to add l+1 l+2 ... and so on. However, we will need to add i such
       numbers plus extra elements. How many? The number of elements in the 
       queue minus one (these are the elements we will subtract). So, in fact,
       we will add: l+1 l+2 ... l+qlen-1
    qlen = (last - first + MAXQ) % MAXQ;
    x += (2 * l + i + qlen) * (long long)(i + qlen - 1) / 2;

    // Then we subtract all elements in the queue, except the last one.
    while ( --qlen ) {
      x -= used[first];
      first = (first + 1) % MAXQ;
  printf( "%lld\n", x );

  return 0;

This is almost exactly >>33's idea, but with the variation of a circular buffer used as a deque. It is O(sqrt(n)) in both space and runtime, as >>18 is, so >>36 is superior in both orders of growth.



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