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LISP Puzzles

23 2020-04-07 03:11

Here is the epsilon data I promised. The columns of the table, in order, are:
1. The exponent k that yields n=10^k.
2. The value of R(10^k). Please verify the value of R(10^15) with other implementations.
3. The number of S-groups in the S sequence.
4. The ratio between column 3 and sqrt(n).
5. The number of S-groups used to generate the S sequence.
6. The ratio between column 5 and n^0.25.

 1                             69        4 1.264911    1 0.562341
 2                           5764       12 1.200000    3 0.948683
 3                         526334       41 1.296534    7 1.244796
 4                       50874761      133 1.330000   13 1.300000
 5                     5028514748      431 1.362942   25 1.405853
 6                   500918449417     1384 1.384000   47 1.486271
 7                 50029364025646     4416 1.396462   87 1.547103
 8               5000934571821489    14039 1.403900  157 1.570000
 9             500029664631299264    44534 1.408289  285 1.602673
10           50000940106333921280   141082 1.410820  512 1.619086
11         5000029765607020822528   446604 1.412286  920 1.636017
12       500000941936492081577984  1413120 1.413120 1647 1.647000
13     50000029798618762867376128  4470180 1.413595 2944 1.655533
14   5000000942529842273283211264 14138641 1.413864 5255 1.661777
15 500000029809255645132191956992 44715123 1.414016 9372 1.666603

Three empirical conclusions can be drawn. Formal proof is left as an exercise for the reader.

I. The R values are increasingly good approximations of n*n/2 from above, as we would expect from a running sum. For example, for n=10^15 the distance is less than 6 parts in one hundred million.

II. The ratio in the fourth column will converge to a constant slightly above 1.4 but below 1.5. This means that the space consumption is bounded from above by a constant multiple of sqrt(n), so it is no worse than O(sqrt(n)) and the corresponding epsilon is zero.

III. The ratio in the sixth column will converge to a constant slightly above 1.6 but below 2. This means that the number of S-groups used to generate the S sequence is bounded from above by a constant multiple of n^0.25, so it is no worse than O(n^0.25) and the corresponding epsilon is zero.

I might write a faster version to get above R(10^15), if I find the time.



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