Quitting porn seemed impossible before I discovered edging.
Now I no longer look at porn if I don't have at least six hours of free time. With work, studies and light novels competing for my time, porn has been relegated to a chore that I find more uninteresting as time goes on.
This might seem to be not much but there was once a time when the habit was so strong that I left an exam to see some porn before coming back to start the paper.
I find that the key to breaking addiction is to edge for as long as possible and not nut, even if it means enduring blue balls. Once you release, you addiction get a bit more fuel. Not releasing for a long time makes the fuel for the addiction very low.
Enduring blue balls when edging ensures that your mind builds an aversion (instead of a reward, as in the case of a release) to the whole activity.
Quitting abruptly wont work. You *will* get horny and you *will* get dirty thoughts. Getting rid of your stash cannot get rid of your horniness but edging for very long periods will.
Eventually, you will find that after practicting edging for very long periods and not edging, your desire to see porn will dwindle so low that porn will become a chore.